Friday, August 9, 2013

Anonymous Biggest Cyber Attack ever: all the Gabon Govt. websites TANGODOWN

Have you ever think or seen a Biggest Cyber Attack, if no, so here it is, as the latest news is not so good regarding Gabon Govt. websites. According to tweet of an Anonymous hacker, they take down all the Gabon Govt. websites:

Websites that are down:

After a recheck of these above websites we can say that all the websites related to are not working and this not the first time anonymous hackers attacked on the Gabon Govt. regarding #Opgabon, here is the list of damage by Anonymous in the past under #OpGabon:
Anonymous Leaks Various Gabon Ministries Data & User Credentials under #OpGabon
Anonymous takes down Gabon treasury website under #OpGabon; Ministry Leaks coming soon
Anonymous Hacker takes down Gabon President website under #OpGabon
Till now Gabon Govt. websites are not working and taking too long to respond and yes it is Biggest Cyber Attack on any country ever.