Sunday, May 19, 2013

#AntiSec Announces #OpChina 

Greetingz citizens of the world. 
#AntiSec is back.

It has come to our attention that the Chinese government is denying the people of China free access to the internet and that the Chinese media is heavily censored. 

Access to many social networking sites is restricted which results in those who live in China to be unable to safely communicate with the outside world. 

This causes the people being unable to share with the world what is happening in China, and as countless stories of political imprisonment and tales of human rights violations tell us, it is therefore likely that terrible actions are committed by the government. 

The censorship of the internet is the Chinese Government’s method of keeping the rest of the world ignorant of the human rights violations that take place within China, but with the start of a new year, it is time to put a stop to this. 

It is estimated that roughly 500,000 people are being held in China without having been charged or tried. 

The government has those who speak out arrested and imprisoned for no other reason. It is illegal to fly, or even own, a Tibetan flag in China or occupied Tibet. 

These are all examples of how the Chinese Government oppresses its people and denies them freedom of speech. 

The media is filled with propaganda in order to try to get the people to accept the government’s outrageous treatment of the people. 

China is one of the world’s largest economies and yet the world allows it to treat it’s people the way it does. 

This is unacceptable and must stop. 

For too long has the Chinese Government censored the media and kept the people silent from the outside world. 

Together we shall make 2013 a year that the Chinese Government shall never forget; the year that the people of the world took action against the oppression and gave the people of China an uncensored media and an uncensored internet. 

Make it known that this shall not be tolerated in our world and that we will not let it go un-noticed. 

Write to local representatives demanding that international pressure be placed upon China. Boycott Chinese goods, deliver leaflets and protest until they cannot ignore us anymore. 

My friends, it is time to let the Chinese people know that they are not alone. We shall fight for their freedom and we shall win!

We are #AntiSec.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
To the government of China - expect us!