Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Anonymous calls every people for Global Day Of Resistance- 1st May 2013

Anonymous Press Release We are Anonymous. We hereby call forth this May 1st a Global Day Of Resistance. We call upon every person in the world, every city or town, every country; Unite, rise up - and take back the public commons from the oppressors. March in your streets, occupy public space - be free and reclaim your world. And stay. Become part of a world-wide "Global Spring". From Idle No More in Canada to the pro-democracy protesters in Bahrain, on May 1st let us shake the world and the very foundations of all power and authority. Anonymous will use all the tools at our disposal to facilitate and encourage this Global Day of Awakening. We are tired of having activists around the world hunted, jailed - and abused. We are tired of watching our own fall.
Anonymous May Day Website - www.MayDay.tk

And so Anonymous will stand with our freedom loving comrades all over the world and in unity raise our fist to the sky and shout: We Are Not Afraid! We Are Anonymous We Are Everywhere We Are Legion We Do Not Forgive We Do Not Forget One week from today world, Expect Us

Source: Hackersnewsbulletin.com