#OpPetrol on 06/20/13
Greetings Citizens of the World, We are Anonymous.
It has been a long time coming, operation petrol, will be engaged on the 20th June 2013.
operation will include the U S, Canada, England, Israel, Saudi Arabia
(only Government), China, Italy, France, Germany, Kuwait (only
government) and Qatar (only government).
As petrol is sold with
the dollar currency of the U S we find this not acceptable when the oil
should be sold at the country of Origin, making petrol a lot less then
what you the citizens is paying for it.
Saudi Arabia you have
betrayed your fellow believers with your cooperation with these greedy
foreigners causing much pressure on families from around the world, you
allow this to happen.
Back in time the middle east had no such
currency as the dollar, it was always in gold or silver, so we do not
agree with this paper currency idea and it is too the advantage of the
greedy all over the world, the governments with their taxes make it
impossible to predict the price of gasoline, also these greedy, already
multi billionairs, continue to build on their obscene fortune.
may not already know, but in the future, electronic transfer of money
will be the governments ideal preferred way of all transactions by 2020.
you do not know, is when this occurs, just like in Syria, your
government will be able to have access to your funds and retirement
money at anytime they wish to steal it.
The U S is known for
creating war for the purpose of stealing Gold, stealing Oil and stealing
Opium which they are doing in Afghanistan still to this day, but you
are not aware of this, because your media are not allowed to tell you
because of the censorship ban inplace about this.
If the
Governments succeed with a NO PAPER MONEY system, they will have no need
to steal gold, oil or opium, they will have no need for war because
they will have, trillions of dollars at their finger tips, and there
will be nothing you can do about it.
The complete reason for this operation can be viewed in the link in the description.
The purpose, and by whom will be spear heading this operation, is also in the description as posted on the internet.
Take time to read this.
The Corrupt fear us, the honest support us, the heroic join us,
Never forget
We are Anonymous,
We are not terrorists,
we are not vandals,
we are only the new revolution,
we are legion,
united as 1,
divided by zero,
we do not forgive,
we do not forget,
Greedy Oil Companies,
expect us.